Developer: PlugHugger
Zero Point One is a cinematic collection of sounds inspired by classic Cyberpunk movies and computer games, such as Bladerunner and the Deus Ex and Shadowrun series.
zero point one is
aimed for cinematic
cyberpunk productions
Sonically, it’s a blend of old and modern synthetic gear and acoustic instruments, such as string machines by Logan and Elka, cheap circuit-bent keyboards, acoustic strings, dreamy pianons, dystopian soundscapes and pads. Lots and lots of pads.
Zero Point One (179 sounds):
32 Arpeggios & Sequences
23 Effect and Hit sounds
49 Pads / Synth strings
6 Bass sounds
15 Synth sounds
14 Textures and Soundscapes
40 Multi sounds
PRODUCT INFO Name: Zero Point One. Requirements: Omnisphere 2.6. Number of sounds: 179 (139 singles + 40 multis). Format: Omnisphere 2 format.
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